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These are publications and journals that we feel may be relevant for Home Economists.

Review of Income and Wealth

The Review of Income and Wealth is the official journal of the International Association of Research in Income and Wealth, which has as its objective the furthering of research on national and economic and social accounting, including the development of concepts and definitions for the measurement and analysis of income and wealth; the development and further integration of systems of economic and social statistics, and related problems of statistical methodology. As a journal with an international readership, preference is given to studies of methodological interest and comparative analyses of more than one country.

Social Science Quarterly

Nationally recognized as one of the top journals in the field, Social Science Quarterly (SSQ) publishes current research on a broad range of topics including political science, sociology, economics, history, social work, geography, international studies, and women's studies. SSQ is the journal of the Southwestern Social Science Association.

Socio-Economic Review

Socio-Economic Review aims to encourage work on the relationship between society, economy, institutions and markets, moral commitments and the rational pursuit of self-interest. The journal seeks articles that focus on economic action in its social and historical context. In broad disciplinary terms, papers are drawn from sociology, political science, economics and the management and policy sciences. The journal encourages papers that seek to recombine disciplinary domains in response to practically relevant issues, while at the same time encouraging the development of new theory
